Dear Wildflower Community, At Wildflower, we condemn all forms of racial injustice. As human beings and mental health professionals, we are horrified and heartbroken by police brutality, racialized violence, systemic oppression, and injustice experienced by Black people. We vehemently oppose a system that continuously oppresses and traumatizes Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. We stand…
Areas of Specialty
Insert a description for Wildflower specialties
Sometimes New Dads Need Help Too
Having a baby can be one of the most stressful times in our lives. We experience disruptions in sleep and changes in routines, self-care and personal time are redefined, and our identity and day-to-day lives completely shift to support a new human being. During this time of change, new parents experience an incredible amount of…
Perfectionism and Postpartum Depression
I can still clearly remember sitting in the new moms group that I participated in when my daughter was first born, now nearly 15 years ago. I remember sharing my birth story and describing how my hopes of having an intervention-free birth were dashed when I developed HELLP syndrome (preeclampsia with its usual suspects of…
Letting Go and Finding Acceptance Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic
Living through a time of massive uncertainty and change can rattle the most steadfast of people. Now, compound those feelings with possible financial insecurities, the stressors of childcare, the loneliness and monotony we may experience within our homes, and the risk of real health exposure for ourselves and our loved ones, and you might feel…
Anxiety during the Pandemic: When to Seek Help?
Is it possible to not be anxious when the coronavirus pandemic threatens our lives, health, and economic wellbeing while disrupting routines and relationships in ways most people until now associated with science fiction movies? Experiencing restlessness, unease, and worry about what is to come is understandable in the light of the sudden loss of control,…
Hold Yourself Kindly: A Deep Dive into Self-Compassion
“Self-compassion” is a phrase that gets used a lot, but what does it actually mean? I remember when I was first told to be compassionate towards myself, I had no idea what that actually entailed. I set out to do some research to discover if self-compassion is something that is genuinely important, or if it…
Virtual Support Groups for Pregnant and Postpartum Women Starting April 2020
We are excited to announce the launch of virtual support groups for pregnant and postpartum women at Wildflower. Under the best of circumstances, the transition to motherhood is an unpredictable, all-encompassing, and often bewildering journey. Experiencing it during the coronavirus pandemic is an entirely uncharted territory. Let us support you in facing the challenges of…
Virtual Mindful Coping Group Offered at Wildflower Starting April 2020
Dealing with distress alone and without support is rarely effective or healthy. At a time when our world is being turned upside down by the pandemic and physical distancing creates an intense potential for isolation, it is important to seek connection and support. We are excited to announce the launch of our virtual Mindful Coping…
Finding a Way out of Fight, Flight, and Freeze Response
Our bodies and minds are experiencing the current global crisis as a serious threat to survival and all that feels familiar and safe. Living in a constant state of fight, flight, or freeze is exhausting. We must find ways to release this stress on a daily basis. Connect with friends and family, exercise, knit, scream…
Being Real and Nonjudgmental as a Mother: Why Sharing Your True Feelings is Critical to Your Health and Wellbeing
Many years ago, when my daughter was about 2 years old, and I was at home during the endless hours of toddlerhood, I remember talking on the phone to my first friend to have children. Not only was she about 4 years ahead of me in the parenthood journey, but she was one very wise…