Chicago Family Doulas is a wonderful organization that cares about the physical and emotional wellbeing of moms and moms to be. We were recently asked by their team to contribute a blog article on dealing with anxiety during pregnancy, as the doulas noticed that their pregnant clients frequently report feelings of worry, irritability and stress (common…
Pregnancy and Postpartum
New Mom, please be kind to yourself
Dear New Mom, Not long ago, you gave birth to another human being: a precious, but demanding bundle of needs that has turned your world upside down, and in the process, unsettled every idea you had about yourself, your purpose, and your path. You likely feel raw and maybe a little bit lost. Maybe there…
Expectations, Perspectives and Well-being: Cognitive Strategies to Enhance Emotional Health during Pregnancy and Postpartum
Is the crib assembled? Check. Hospital bag packed? Check. Baby’s clothes washed and neatly folded? Check. Pediatrician selected? Check. Car seat purchased? Check. Birthing classes attended? Check. There are so many things moms and dads-to-be do in order to prepare for their baby’s arrival. We are inundated with information about what we need and cannot…
What Does Effective Psychotherapy for Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Entail?
Coming home with a new baby is like entering a familiar space you have lived in for years only to find that all your furniture and possessions got glued to the ceiling. Especially in the initial months, nothing seems to make sense or follow some semblance of a rhythm. While adjusting to the massive shifts…
10 essential facts about postpartum depression
1. Postpartum depression represents only one of a number of disorders experienced by women in pregnancy and postpartum. They are collectively known as perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs). Not knowing that mental health disturbances in the postpartum can encompass symptoms such as agitation, anger, anxiety, obsessive thoughts and others, new moms who call our…