Navigating Dating Apps and Modern Dating Part 2: Attachment Styles & Ways They Impact Dating Satisfaction

In Part 1 of this series, I discussed some common experiences related to frustrations with modern dating, and specifically, dating apps. I shared some tips to navigating modern dating including how to: Get clear about your intentions Determine your needs Practice mindfulness In this article, I will be discussing potential roadblocks that might contribute to lack of…

Your Body is Talking, Are You Listening? An Introduction to Body Language

Listen to your gut is a phrase that often gets dismissed as cliché, but actually refers to deeply ingrained internal processes that have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years. Below, I will explore the idea of “listening to your gut,” provide examples of how to decode what your body is communicating to you, and…

3 Tips for Navigating Dating Apps & Modern Dating 

Modern dating is difficult. While people have more options than ever through dating apps and online platforms, the experience of trying to date can leave one feeling like dating is no longer fun, exciting, or hopeful. It may have come to feel more stressful and frustrating than anything. A research study focused on the apps…

What Neuroscience Tells Us About Emotional Flooding and 8 Ways to Feel More in Control of Your Emotions

Source: Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash Have you ever felt so overcome with emotions that it’s difficult to control your response to others? Perhaps you feel fine one moment and the next you are slamming doors, sending an unfiltered text message, or yelling at your partner. You may also feel your heart pounding and…

Self-Compassion: Tips for Incorporating More Self-Compassion in Your Daily Life

Source: Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash “You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” You might have asked yourself, “What is self-compassion?” It’s a way of treating yourself with kindness and affection, the way you would treat others. Often we treat others with more kindness and empathy…

Preparing for Winter 2020-2021: An Investment in Your Future Self

With winter on the horizon and the pandemic still raging, the prospect of many more months inside with constricted holiday gatherings, limited opportunities to spend time outdoors, and narrowed possibilities for entertainment outside of the home, may incite feelings of distress, frustration, and apathy. While this winter may look different from winters past, the experience…

How to Ground During Times of Uncertainty

During this uncertain time, it is inevitable that many of us are experiencing stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm. This stress can take a toll on the brain and the body. One way to work through these feelings of anxiety is to draw on grounding skills. Grounding skills can allow you to step away from…

Mindful Movement Exercises to Reduce Tension

If you, like many of us, have been finding yourself sitting more than usual or have been noticing some increased muscle tension or soreness, a little movement can be a lifesaver. The two brief practices below are designed to invite some mindful gentle movement and release tension. These practices are great for small spaces and…

Mindfulness-Based Tools for Coping during Difficult Times

Mental health professionals often speak about mindfulness, or non-judgmental attention to the present-moment experience. I also like to think of mindfulness as an invitation to engage with ourselves and our environment just a bit differently from what might be our norm. Mindfulness is about cultivating awareness and welcoming the full range of what shows up…