When the Word “Family” Causes Distress

Source: Photo by Oleg Illarionov on Unsplash “Are you visiting family for the holidays?” While almost certainly a well-intended question by the person asking, such a question can create painful emotions for those with strained or no relationships with members of their family of origin. When you think of words that cause pain, the word…

Making the Most of “Me Time” During the Holiday Season

Source: Photo by Audrey Fretz on Unsplash Despite the pervasive message that the media and society in general send about being with family and friends during the holidays, we recognize that this isn’t the case for many people. Please know that you are NOT alone in that, whether it be due to logistical or personal…

How to Establish and Maintain Boundaries with Family and Friends During the Holidays

Source: Photo by Dima Pechurin on Unsplash Setting and maintaining boundaries with family and friends starts with asking yourself what you want your boundaries to look like. It can be difficult to differentiate between what you truly want and need versus what you feel you should do. This is further muddied by the expectations that…

A Solo Thanksgiving in Chicago

Source: Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash  First and foremost, be sure to take care of YOU. Spending a holiday alone can bring up many different emotions from sadness or dread to excitement or relief. A missed flight, illness, job demands, or establishing healthy boundaries with family are just some of the many reasons people…

5 Things You Can Do Today To Start Being More Productive

Source: Photo by Ian Dooley on Unsplash Have you ever looked at your to-do list, felt overwhelmed by how much is on it and ended up taking a nap instead? If so, you aren’t alone. According to a research study conducted by Reutskaja et al. in 2018, while our brains find the idea of choice…

The Language of (Emotional) Pain and the Case for Expanding Our Vocabulary

[Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash] “I feel melancholy sometimes, especially lately” said my friend as he leaned back in his chair. We were sitting in my backyard. The sun had just set and the sky had that lovely deep blue hue that appears for just a few brief moments as the day and…

What We Are Reading This Summer

As we move into summer, we are reflecting on what books have helped us learn and grow over the past few months. We’re sharing what some of the members of our team are reading for comfort, exploration, growth, and knowledge with the hope to instill some inspiration! Natalie Breitmeyer, MA, LPC, R-DMT, RYT  Right now…

What We Are Reading This Early Winter

As we cozy up and prepare for the arrival of winter, we are reflecting on what books have helped us learn and grow over the past few months. We would like to share with you what some of the members of our team are reading for comfort, exploration, growth, and knowledge with the hope to…

Preparing for Winter 2020-2021: An Investment in Your Future Self

With winter on the horizon and the pandemic still raging, the prospect of many more months inside with constricted holiday gatherings, limited opportunities to spend time outdoors, and narrowed possibilities for entertainment outside of the home, may incite feelings of distress, frustration, and apathy. While this winter may look different from winters past, the experience…