What is Dyspareunia and the Underlying Diagnoses of Sexual Pain

Addressing unwanted sexual pain is a key component of sexual health. The presence of unwanted sexual pain, also known as dyspareunia, can make engaging in sex become quite stressful. Dyspareunia can vary based on the person, and can occur before, during, or after sexual intercourse. It can sometimes even happen while using female hygiene products—such…

Learning About Therapeutic Modalities: What Is the Unified Protocol (UP)?

Source: photo by Eneko Uruñuela on Unsplash Psychotherapy is a rich and vibrant field that is continually evolving. This means there is a great variety of therapeutic approaches practiced by mental health professionals. Some, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, are well-known and widely researched. Today we’d like to introduce you to a promising, newer modality…

Negative Automatic Thoughts: How to Reframe Them and Take Back Your Power

Source: Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash What are automatic thoughts? Automatic thoughts are something you may or may not be aware of when going about your daily life. These come up when your mind naturally takes in stimuli throughout your day and makes an attempt to interpret that information. There tend to be many…

Making the Most of “Me Time” During the Holiday Season

Source: Photo by Audrey Fretz on Unsplash Despite the pervasive message that the media and society in general send about being with family and friends during the holidays, we recognize that this isn’t the case for many people. Please know that you are NOT alone in that, whether it be due to logistical or personal…

How to Establish and Maintain Boundaries with Family and Friends During the Holidays

Source: Photo by Dima Pechurin on Unsplash Setting and maintaining boundaries with family and friends starts with asking yourself what you want your boundaries to look like. It can be difficult to differentiate between what you truly want and need versus what you feel you should do. This is further muddied by the expectations that…

What Is Sexual Health?

Source: Photo by Leticia Pelissari on Unsplash  Have you ever taken time to reflect on what your sexual health means to you? Depending on our personal histories and our accessibility to resources (educational, medical, etc.), we may not have an idea of what sexual health means. Historically, sexual health has been understood as avoiding unwanted…

Preparing for Winter 2020-2021: An Investment in Your Future Self

With winter on the horizon and the pandemic still raging, the prospect of many more months inside with constricted holiday gatherings, limited opportunities to spend time outdoors, and narrowed possibilities for entertainment outside of the home, may incite feelings of distress, frustration, and apathy. While this winter may look different from winters past, the experience…

Mindful Parenting

Many new parents and parents-to-be reflect on the question, “What type of parent do I want to be?” This question can seem so monumental and challenging to answer. This article offers a way to sort through how to arrive at answers. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can help us in this exploration. The goal of…

Dialectical Behavior Therapy in the Treatment of Trauma

Note: This article is primarily intended to be a resource for mental health professionals who are treating individuals impacted by a history of trauma and who are seeking additional evidence-based tools to support their work. If you are not a mental health professional, you may also find this article helpful in learning more about the…