Understanding Social Infertility: An Evolving Term in Reproductive Health

Engaging in allyship with the LGBTQIA+ community entails, among other things, educating ourselves about the unique challenges they face. One significant issue is the often complicated journey to parenthood for those who choose that path. Social infertility is a new and evolving term describing this process. In recent years, infertility has gained awareness, resulting in…

There Is No Health Without Mental Health: Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month

The transition to parenthood is often described as a journey, yet this word does not sufficiently capture the dramatic and profound nature of change and transformation that takes place during this time. A more appropriate term might be “odyssey.” There are very few, if any, other life experiences that match the physical, emotional, mental, relational,…

Beyond Cramps and Cravings: Understanding the Difference Between Premenstrual Syndrome and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Throughout history, the medical field has had a complicated and often contradictory relationship with reproductive mental health. While accounts of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle date back to ancient times, their existence was often met with irrational skepticism. Mood fluctuations were frequently attributed to a wandering uterus or the toxic and healing properties of…

10 Things You Need To Know About Infertility During Infertility Awareness Week

1. Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant after one year of unprotected sex for heterosexual couples. With this said, many physicians recommend that women over the age of 35 seek specialized fertility care after six months of unprotected sex in heterosexual partnerships. 2. Infertility is not uncommon. In the U.S., one…

Navigating the Transition to Parenthood as a Team and How The Bringing Baby Home Workshop Can Help

The transition to parenthood is one that comes with profound shifts in identity, roles, and relationships. These shifts inevitably impact parents as individuals and as partners. Renowned psychotherapist and relationship expert, Esther Perel, states that “having a baby is a psychological revelation that changes our relation to almost everything and everyone” (Perel, 2006). These words…

Self-Care During the Postpartum Period: Strategies to Minimize the Risk of Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders

The postpartum period is filled with many physical, psychological, and emotional changes. Matrescence is a term that aptly captures this experience. It is defined as the physical, social, hormonal, and identity shifts associated with becoming a mother and is a distinct stage of life (Sacks, 2017). In reflecting on matrescence, Ignacz (2018) states, “Life will…

Cycle Syncing: Increasing Emotional Well Being During Your Menstrual Cycle

In school, we are taught what a period is. For many people, the education on the menstrual cycle stopped there. This education gap has caused not only an information deficiency for those who menstruate, it has also perpetuated a stigma that women are “just overly emotional” during certain points in their cycle. This has left…

What is Postpartum Psychosis?

What is Postpartum Psychosis? The reproductive years are a time of intense psychological vulnerability for women, with a significant number of psychiatric admissions occurring more around childbirth than any other time in the female life cycle (Wisner, Gracious, Piontek, Peindl, & Perel, 2003). One of the rarer presentations seen during this time period is postpartum…

What to Expect from Psychotherapy When You’re Expecting or Postpartum

The perinatal period, or the time leading up to and following labor and delivery, is often hallmarked by uncertainty. In addition to joy and hope, fear and anxiety are frequent companions on the road to motherhood. You might find yourself wondering: How can I take care of my mental health while pregnant and postpartum? What…

How Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Can Help Challenge Mental Health Stigma in Pregnancy

Mental Health Stigma During Pregnancy Pregnancy is a transformational period in life. You may experience joy, comfort, or excitement as you navigate your pregnancy journey, which are emotions that may feel welcomed and special. Additionally, a myriad of less pleasant emotions can also surface during pregnancy including sadness, loneliness, anxiety, discouragement, anger, and fear. Pregnant…