The holiday season has arrived like an unexpected snowstorm, announcing itself with a burst of shopping frenzy and festive chaos, sweeping us up before we can catch our breath, pack away our summer sneakers, and button our coats. Every November, like clockwork, I’m surprised by how swiftly this time comes. ‘It was just September!’ I…
New Year, But Is It A New You: Setting Sustainable New Year’s Goals and Intentions
Source: Photo by Alex Alvarez on Unsplash “New year, new me” is a popular phrase we hear this time of year, but what was wrong with the old you? While there’s nothing wrong with some healthy reflection and intention setting, it’s important to still accept who you are in this moment. While it may feel…
Rippling: Finding Meaning in a Turbulent World
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou I stood in the hospital hallway. My son was just taken from me for an emergency surgery. I could not follow him. It made sense and it…